Jon Quast: Well, how about little-known Alien Worlds? This is a much lower market cap here at only $163 million compared to $4 and $5 billion for the previous two that we talked about. But again, a very big user base here.
Chris MacDonald: Yeah. Alien Worlds is definitely an interesting one because it’s so small. But the metrics on this one are very interesting to look at.
The game is different from others in the metaverse. It’s an NFT metaverse and basically, you play and can create NFTs. In that sense, it’s similar. But there’s different elements to it. You can participate in planet DAOs, which are decentralized autonomous organizations, to elect councils for various planets and trade various NFTs on those planets.
It’s really more of a community-based game right now. But it’s one that has a very interesting model. Clearly, there are some users that it’s grabbing a lot of user attention and user growth is impressive.
It has a strong base and could potentially be more speculative, higher-growth, higher-risk investment for those looking for it, given that it is at $0.18., you can buy a lot of tokens.
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